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  • October 1st 2024
  • Arnhem

Biochemistry learning and working program

Are you a professional with a refugee background and interested in learning and working for an international company? Then register for the Meet-and-greet 2024 with our partner Hoogwegt!

About Hoogwegt

Hoogwegt Group has more than 475+ employees and a turnover of over 3 billion euros. Hoogwegt Ingredients develops, produces and trades milk proteins and dairy ingredients, is active in 65 countries and is known as a strong and successful supplier in its sector. The corporate culture is informal and people-oriented. There are plenty of opportunities for personal development.

What exactly are you going to do?
You will spend 6 months at the Technology department working on a highly valued project, while being supported in every way possible. Within your role, you are responsible for reaching project milestones, while maintaining contacts with various stakeholders!

During this period you:

  • Draft a summary of literature regarding precision fermentation and specifically its use in producing food grade plant based and dairy based ingredients;
  • Identify current key challenges within the industry, as well as providing an indication (if possible) of production costs per mT; (typical investment for a production facility and annual volume of such a facility)
  • The translation of needs on lab scale to rework on small scale production (what type of equipment is needed for fermentation and for downstream processing); and
  • Draft a comparison to what we have available and what we would need to purchase;
  • If possible, run first trials on precision fermentation to get a practical feel for the matter but also to show the first product to our management.

Department of Technology
The Technology department is looking for a new colleague within operations who has strong research and communication skills, while enjoying working in a dynamic environment. In a team of enthusiastic colleagues you contribute to the Technology departments strategic goals. You have close contact with your colleagues as well as with the external production locations and laboratories.

What do we offer you?

  • Work-study program (work experience placement) of 6 months in which you can develop within an international environment;
  • Informal and open corporate culture;
  • Freedom to organize your own work;
  • Training and education appropriate to the position;
  • Plenty of opportunities for personal development and growth;
  • Very experienced and enthusiastic colleagues who will be happy to guide you.

Resources and support for the project:

  • We will support with a project contact person that can be reached for discussion and project guidance and once per 2 to 3 weeks a meeting to discuss project progress;
  • Access to relevant literature and information to carry out your research;
  • In case lab trails are within reach, we will support executing those trials in terms of costs of materials and equipment, assuming that equipment investment is limited;
  • Also participation in relevant exhibitions or conferences will be compensated by us to allow poster or oral presentations of project findings.

What do we ask of you?

  • You are a “statushouder”  (and you receive social assistance from a municipality)
  • You have experience in the area of biochemistry, preferably in the field of precision fermentation
  • You have a minimum command of the Dutch language at language level A2
  • You are fluent in English
  • You live in the Arnhem area, or you are willing to travel to work
  • You are available 32-40 hours per week

About the Meet-and-greet
Have you been selected for the Meet-and-greet? Then you will get to know Hoogwegt on (exact date will soon be announced). At the Meet-and-greet you will receive more information about the Technology department within Hoogwegt and about the work-study program. If there is a match on both sides after the introduction, a second interview will follow.

To prepare you for the Meet-and-greet, Refugee Talent Hub is organizing a mandatory online prep session which we will invite you for when selected as a candidate.

Important information:
Live Meet and Greet - Date will be announced - Location: Arnhem.
Early October we  will let you know whether you have been selected for a follow-up interview at Hoogwegt. This interview will follow as soon as possible.

Are you interested in this job opportunity and do you meet the requirements?

Then sign up quickly for the Meet and Greet with Hoogwegt.
Please note that your CV has been uploaded!

Travel expenses (public transport or own car) are reimbursed, but please note that only the costs incurred on the day itself for transport from your home to the activity and back are reimbursed. Read our travel expenses policy carefully.

If you are selected, we expect you to be present. We therefore ask you to take a good look at our no show policy.

If we need additional information, we may ask you to complete a Google Form or contact you by phone.