- 26 april 2019
- 08:00‐14:00
- Amsterdam
LinkedIn- training and feedback session learning platform by Accenture
On 26th of April Accenture (MOBGEN – Accenture Interactive) is organizing a feedback session in order to receive some insights on the learning platform they are developing. We need your help with that – to look through the platform with a neutral point of view. And therefore would love to invite a small group to give us your valuable feedback.
In order for you to enjoy the day, Accenture is offering an one-on-one LinkedIn training, so you will go home with a sleek LinkedIn profile. There will be a professional that will help you create an effective as well as professional LinkedIn-profile, so you can enlarge your network and work-related opportunities etc.
Are you interested? Sign up through the sign up bottom on the right. You will be divided into time slots, which is from 10.00 – 17.00. Be quick – full is full.